Department of Education

Smartsalary has managed the salary packaging arrangements for more than 45,000 NSW Department of Education employees.

We're proud of this partnership. And we're committed to providing smarter benefits that help improve the lives of teachers, administration and support staff and their families.

Benefits of Salary Packaging for NSW Department of Education employees

A couple looking at a car

Novated car leasing

Salary packaging a car lease can save you thousands of dollars a year and now with the electric vehicle discount, you can save even more. Use our Smartleasing calculator to check out your savings.

There’s never been a better time to lease an Electric Vehicle – Now 100% Fringe Benefits Tax free. The Electric Car Discount Policy makes eligible EVs^ exempt from Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) which could save you thousands.

Coin stacks growing incrementally

Additional superannuation contributions

When you salary package additional superannuation contributions, you could save on tax while building your future wealth.

Teacher reading to students

Salary package your next portable electronic device

Salary package your portable electronic devices each FBT year, when the device is used primarily for work.

Choose to salary package your laptop or tablet and mobile phone.

Find out how much you could save by salary packaging with Smartsalary.

Other Salary Packaging Benefits are available to help you maximise your savings
Department of Education employees can access many other salary packaging benefits.
Financial and Taxation Advice

If you use a financial planner or a tax advisor, you could salary package the fees and save.

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Airline Lounge Membership

Whether you travel for work or personal reasons you can salary package your airline lounge membership.

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Education and work development

Studying so that you can get ahead in your job? Salary package the costs and you could save.

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Income Protection Insurance

If you have income protection insurance, you may qualify to package this benefit.

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Work-Related expenses

There are lots of items you can package to help you save on work-related expenses.

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Teacher marking schoolwork

Smartsalary rewards

In addition to the salary packaging savings available to you, as a Smartsalary customer, you can also access a great range of rewards.

Find out how much you could save by salary packaging with Smartsalary.

^FBT exemption available for eligible electric, plug in hybrid or hydrogen cell vehicles purchased through a novated lease up to the Luxury Car Tax limit ($89,332 in FY 2023-24).

Smartsalary recommends that before entering into any salary packaging arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and obtain appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances.